Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and Learning

Standard 3.5

Use effective classroom communication

Effective communication is at the heart of positive teaching and learning. It benefits both the student and the teacher and helps sustain student engagement and successful classroom management.

Visual communication via Prezi/PowerPoint/video clips are great ways of supporting student engagement, especially for visual/kineasthetic learners. Standard 3.5 involves using a range of digital resources to support effective communication of relevant information and ideas, taking into account individual student’s learning needs and backgrounds and learning context and teaching area content. Furthermore, any ICT tool used must conform to the standards of appropriate language styles, and for it to have any effectiveness it must be pitched at the correct level.

One example of a digital tool to support effective communication is email. Providing students with up to date information regarding assignments, lesson content and material, due dates etc can be effectively conveyed through email. Emails can be used in order to communicate on a one-to one basis with students. Edmodo is also useful in supporting effective communication with the students. Uploading lesson material onto Edmodo allows students to work at their own pace which takes into account individual student’s learning needs.
Different verbal and non-verbal strategies I have employed in the classroom:
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