Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

Standard 3.6

Evaluate and improve teaching programs

Asking students to rate lessons for a topic is a useful way to evaluate and improve teaching programs. Poll Everywhere or Survey Monkey can be used much as Student Evaluation of Teaching is used at University. Having students perform reflection tasks either online or in hard copy can be useful – not only from the teacher’s point of view but also from the student’s. Asking students to reflect on their learning aids the teacher in knowing how students knowledge has expanded and any areas that need further assistance, by having students address, ‘I used to think, but now I know….’ after the delivery of a unit of work.

I have used reflective practices in all my teaching experiences. I record reflections after each lesson to assess the effectiveness of learning activities and to keep track of student progress:

Reflection: The text book learning activities used to assist student learning by applying the new knowledge learnt were not highly useful – particularly 3.2. These were not given as homework as we have covered in class.Will need to recap at the beginning of next lesson.More engagement needed – change pace and task, not just noting from PPT. PPT slides were printed and given to students for noting, unsure if this method will be sustained as students may not take notes as they are given slide information.
Reflection: This double lesson was focused on attitude change and formation; specifically introducing students to advertisement campaigns and the psychological principals they adapt to persuade. This task was engaging and seemed to be effective in consolidating knowledge of the factors that affect change. The revision task was used as a recap of what we have covered thus far and to identify and areas that need further clarification. Working in groups worked well and students were on task for the most part. More examples of bi-directional needed – will recap next lesson.

I have had students reflect on their understanding after completing a unit of work:

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I have had students reflect on and provide feedback on my teaching:

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