Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

Standard 3.7

Engage parents/ carers in the educative process

It is important to remember that parents are partners in their child’s education and thus need to be involved in the educative process.

Maintaining contact with parents and caregivers is essential to ensure that students needs are met at school. Using appropriate language is imperative when communicating with parents, and essentially the school and its staff is an extension of the care given to students – the school and parents are ultimately in partnership in caring for students. The use of telephone calls, email, Edmodo and regular attendance at parent/teacher interviews are all important to ensure standard 3.7 are met. Effective feedback on assessment and reporting is also a way of communicating with parents and caregivers.

Keeping parents up to date and informed of excursions must be done is a professional and timely manner:

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Providing students with the appropriate school communications:


I have participated in Course Counselling which was done in partnership with students and parents. This gave parents the opportunity to be involved in the educative process and gave me the opportunity to meet with and discuss with parents the educational needs of students:

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